Today, I saw a movie called, "Big Miracle," by Drew Barrymore and John Krasinki. It showed that Eskimos are illegally hunting whales and using all of there body parts for there own uses. It shoes how they follow whales on land and throw huge spears at it. It tries to free itself from the spear but the spear is really sharp so a whale can never free itself from it. It shows how people are starting to mine for oil in Alaska and some times when oil spills it makes the water impure for the whale to drink water. So they have to take a detour during migration period and if they are lucky they make it there a little later but if they aren't it starts to get really cold and most of the breathing holes are going to be covered up by ice and snow so the whale either has to keep trying to keep open the breathing hole or drown. So a huge machine is used to melt the ice. But it ended up stuck in ice and snow. So they had to take help from the Soviet Union which was the closest place that they had a machine to melt the snow. The baby whale dies. But the two parents make it to the ocean.
I definitely want whales for entertainment.By, the way ,its a nice movie.